Sunday, October 18, 2015

2015-10-18 First Fire in Wood Stove

Norwegian Prayer Inscription
Eg grev ned min eld
sent om kveldnår dagen er slutGud gje min eldaldri slokna ut


I make my fire
late in the eveningwhen the day is overGod let my firenever burn out

Thursday, October 15, 2015

2015-10-15 New Saw for Papa

 He was very happy as we had killed his old one with the build this far, now I get to break this one in

Monday, October 12, 2015

2015-10-12 Finish work - Straping - Digging of Septic Tank - Tiled Hearth

Silas' Cubby and Closet

Silas' Hideout Cubby

Upstairs Bathroom

Upstairs Bathroom

Upstairs Bathroom

Upstairs Bathroom ceiling over sink

Upstairs Laundry Room

Master bedroom

Septic hole, with a Rock!!!

Septic hole, with a Rock!!!

Septic hole, with a Rock!!!

Woodstove Hearth

Woodstove Hearth

Woodstove Hearth

Woodstove Hearth